Thursday, June 10, 2010

Creation and pharmacology

Today I want to offer a brief post on the the philosophy of medicine.

I was looking at the 2nd edition of 'Feeling Good' by David Burns the other day. In this edition he added a long section on pharmacological medications. (e.g. anti-anxiety and anti-depression drugs.) A cynical person might wonder why he did this, as the first edition promoted the idea of dealing with anxiety and depression (etc.) without the use of drugs. A long list of medications is listed, along with all their side effects. These drugs can cause dozens, if not hundreds of problems, including death.
- I can't help wondering how a doctor can (in good conscience) prescribe these drugs, knowing all the harmful effects that they can (and do) cause. The first rule of medicine used to be 'do no harm.' So what happened to that? At some point in the business of medicine this mandate fell by the wayside.

When you look at what these drugs are made of you realize that these are largely a collection of toxic (poisonous) compounds. These are substances that have never (as far as we know) existed in the history (long or short) of the universe. Why then are they being injected into the bloodstreams of human beings? What is the philosophical rationale for such a procedure? How can substances that have never existed in the history of human beings (or of the earth itself) be considered either beneficial or necessary to the health of human beings?
- I can't see how this procedure makes sense on either an evolutionary or a creationist basis. How could we possibly have a need for substances that have never existed in the history of the universe?

I find the use of these chemical compounds a dubious practice. I see no reason why they should be necessary. They didn't (as far as I know or can imagine) exist in the perfect setting of Eden, so why would they be needed now? They aren't in any way a natural product? Many if not most of them are toxic substances. I don't see any Biblical injunction against them, but neither do I see a warrant for them. I think we need to do some serious thinking on this issue. I've seen nothing on this subject myself, and am puzzled as to why this is.