Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Creation and Interpretation

The Bible declares that the evidence for God's existence is clearly seen in the world and universe. Reformed theology claims that the reason men deny God's existence is that they interpret this general revelation incorrectly. Man's bias against God won't allow him to interpret the evidence faithfully.

Quotes and comments;

A. 'The knowledge of God as his creator is indelibly fixed in the constitution of every man. Calvin says it is infixed in his bowels. But the perversion of sin in the natural man is such that he constructs a view of himself and his world by which he seeks to suppress what, deep down in his being, he knows to be true about himself. Surrounded by the light of god's revelation the natural man, in his spiritual blindness perverts it and makes himself believe that it is a revelation of himself.' [1.]

- e.g. The evidence for Design has become almost impossible to deny in our day; but many people still resist the implications. Without grace they will interpret the data in any way but the way they should. I've read briefly in some writers who claim that while it's true that 'life' here on earth was designed - it wasn't by any creator God. It was man himself (they say) who 'engineered' all the living forms we see around us. (Or enough life forms were created to get the ball rolling as it were.) Our ancestors came from space and colonized (via some terra-forming process) a dead planet - miraculously bringing it to life. [2.]

B. 'Hamilton simply assumes from the fact of the presence of god's revelation to man that the natural man interprets it correctly. He confuses the revelation of God to man with sinful man's false interpretation of this revelation.' [1.]
- Van Til is responding to an apologist by the name of Floyd Hamilton.

The natural man represses a true knowledge of God 'by means of his basic assumption of human autonomy, of the contingency of the space-time facts of the world and the self-existence of its laws.' [3.]
- In other words; the materialist has a cosmology that makes creation impossible, and thus he cannot interpret the evidence correctly.

1. A Christian theory of knowledge - Cornelius Van Til/p.265
2. e.g. Zecharia Sitchin ' Genesis Revisited'
- '
Zecharia Sitchin (born July 11, 1920) is an author of books promoting an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he claims to be a race of extra-terrestrials from a hypothetical planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru, which he believes to be in an elongated, elliptical orbit in the Earth's own Solar System, asserting that Sumerian mythology reflects this view. - Wiki [An unreliable source I know; but in this case I think we can get away with it.]
3. Van Til p.264