Tuesday, June 29, 2010

And seeing they see not

Richard Dawkins made a career out of painting a picture of the human eye as a defective bit of engineering. Recent discoveries however, made since he first made his public splash, have continued to show how wrong he was.

Quotes and comments;

A. May 07, 2010 — Darwinists have claimed for years that the human eye is an example of bad design, because it is wired backwards – the photoreceptors are located behind a tangle of blood vessels and other material. But then in 2007, German scientists found that cone-shaped cells called Müller cells act like waveguides that transmit the light through the tangles straight into the photoreceptors.

Now, more facts have come to light about those Müller cells (also called retinal glial cells). Researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa have found out that they do far more than just conduct light to the photoreceptors. Kate McAlpine reported for New Scientist that Müller cells offer several advantages. They act as noise filters, tuners and color focusers...' [1.]

- The bad design (of the eye) argument is simply a bad argument; not to mention a glaring example of man's ingratitude and fallenness. We might call it a badly designed argument. Man's heart, and thus his thinking, shows more signs of being degraded than do man's physical organs. The eye is a masterpiece; especially compared with the darkness of man's thinking and philosophy.

Would that people could think as clearly as they see. It's sad that people can't think as truthfully as they see. This of course can't be. Our minds don't adjust, readjust and focus automatically, to see to it that we percieve things accurately and helpfully. With our thinking we're largely on our own. We see a compelling example of this in the constant nagging criticisms of the eye by Darwinian apologists. They use their god given abilities to complain and condemn, instead of using them to praise and worship. Their hatred of god turns them into blind men talking about ugliness of the sunset. They put on dark sunglasses and complain about the day being cloudy. Anyone who isn't dazzled by the glories of the human eye is ideologically blind.

From an evolutionary point of view nothing can be defective. Since there are no standards and no goals nothing can be said to fail or be deficient. When Darwinists speak of things being badly designed they're not speaking as evolutionists, but as engineers. They're engaged in criticism when they have no basis for their analysis or conclusions.

We see in this example how much (if not most) Darwinist criticism of design is based on ignorance. People like Dawkins somehow convince themselves that they possess complete knowledge about various aspects of biology. In this they show their spiritual and moral blindness, as this pretense stems from a desire to condemn creationism rather than stem from a desire for the truth.

B. 'However, Kenneth Miller, a biologist at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island cautions that this doesn’t mean that the backwards retina itself helps us to see. Rather, it emphasises the extent to which evolution has coped with the flawed layout. “The shape, orientation and structure of the Müller cells help the retina to overcome one of the principal shortcomings of its inside-out wiring,” says Miller.

- When the heart is 'wired wrong' a person will always end up twisting the data in their own favor. If a person is committed to evolutionism (as Miller is) they will always find a way to see things in an evolutionary light. They just put on their Darwin glasses, and presto! They see evidence for evolution everywhere they look. (In fact they're staring into the multiple mirrors of their own worldview.)

We see in this example how intensely some people hate God. Their worldview bias has so completely twisted their thinking that they see darkness where they should see light. Though they claim that what they hate are certain 'fallacious' theological doctrines (e.g. Providence) it's clear to me that what they hate is the true and living triune God.

1. Can Darwin Be Rescued from a New Eye Discovery? Creation/Evolution Headlines 05/07/2010
- The above link contains block quotes from the pertinent article and is well worth reading.
2. 'These findings were made by Amichai Labin and Erez Ribak at Technion and published in Physical Review Letters.1 In the abstract, they said, “The retina is revealed as an optimal structure designed for improving the sharpness of images.” Their findings specifically argued against the idea that the retina is poorly wired.' [above]