Thursday, May 21, 2009

The search for the god gene; and other bits of comedy

On the cover of a popular science magazine, not too long ago, I saw a headline, "Scientists search for the cause of religious faith." I'm sure you've seen similar article titles floating around.


- In my opinion this kind of reductionism is absurd. Were the editors so blind they don't realize this means there's physical cause for a belief in Darwinism as well? Don't they see it? or do they pretend they don't?

- The dirty little secret of reductionism is this; not only would there have to be a material cause for belief in God, but there would have to be a cause for all beliefs; in aliens, monsters, reincarnation, astrology, Communism, the eternal universe, etc. This would include not merely 'big' beliefs, but would necessitate there being a physical cause of all human thoughts.

- This kind of radical reductionism means there there would even have to be a cause [a gene] for a belief in reductionism.

- The ancient philosopher Pyrrho said we should keep an open mind on things; because for every statement [A] that men make, we can find a corresponding non-A. that is also claimed. In other words, you will find men on both sides of every argument. (Gee; I wonder what gene explains that? Maybe the contrarian gene :=)

1. Does anyone really believe you can explain the fact we have evolutionists and creationists on the basis of DNA?