Saturday, May 30, 2009

Creation, Evolution, and seduction

Quotes and comments;

1. 'In this fascinating volume, Mike Hansell [Built by animals] looks at the extraordinary structures that animals build--whether homes, traps, or courtship displays--and reveals what science can tell us about this incredible behavior. We look at wasp's nests, leaf-cutting ants, caddis flies and amoebae, and even the extraordinary bower bird, who seduces his mate with a decorated pile of twigs, baubles, feathers, and berries.'

- Gee Mike. Why would a male bird need to 'seduce' a female bird? (These are real birds right? not chicks from the 60's?) Is it trying to get the female to act in an immoral way? to get her to leave her family? to violate tradition? to commit a self-destructive act? Maybe the 'rascal' is trying to corrupt her?

- I don't get it. Animals don't need to be seduced; they are instinctually driven to procreate. (Again we see how E.s abuse language; how they shamelessly speak of animals in human terms; how they engage in equivocation.) Birds need to be seduced to mate about as much as they need to be seduced to fly. [Darwinism works to destroy the truth, the rationality and the usefulness of language.]

- one wonders who is being seduced; birds or modern day collegiates :=)

- I often wonder how it is our educated class have been persuaded to abandon the priceless heritage of Christianity for the 'baubles, twigs and feathers' of Darwinism. (Maybe it's the berries.) They get so very little for 'coming across.' About all that they get is sexual licence; and perhaps a rationale for nihilism. (But maybe that's all they want.)

- The spirit of the age has seduced them; but having said that I don't know how helpful it is. (It's almost impossible for the young person of today to resist this call. I suppose it will have to run its course. In time I'm confident people will see the absurdist implications of Reductionism and will rebel against the project... but until then we'll have to content ourselves with pointing out the obvious.) [1.]

1. Evolution theory is a subset of Reductionism, which is a deduction from Materialism.