Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Has evolution (theory) made monkeys of us all?

Primetime for “primates” - by Mark Looy (aig/2005)

In this post I'm going to make some comments on the above article.

Background: In 2005 the primates running the London Zoo put on a special exhibit, where 'scantily clad' human beings were put in a cage next to some apes.

1. 'Zoo spokeswoman Polly Wills was quoted by the AP to freely admit the exhibit’s evolution agenda; the zoo, she says, wants to teach “members of the public that the human is just another primate.”
- but if man is 'just another primate' (whatever that means) why does he have to be taught this? This makes no sense. The fact our PC elite think they have to teach human beings that they're really just apes is all the evidence a sensible person would need to see that the claim is false.
- if she believes this why is she involved in running a zoo? I don't see 'primates' doing this. Apes and monkeys could care less about the world beyond the reach of their appetites. The fact human beings operate zoos is all the evidence a person should need to know that man is not an animal.
- let me state that I don't think a single person on earth really (truly) believes they are just an animal. That they might state publicly that they do is just more evidence (as if we needed anyone) that man has a rather large streak of perversity in him. In my opinion the main reason people publicly claim that man is just an animal is that they know this will offend some people. (Which of course is more evidence man is not an animal.)
- In addition to this there's a political motivation behind bizarre programs such a this. ie. if man is just an animal he (it?) needs to be treated as an animal. i.e. needs a zookeeper. The political elite then see themselves (if we're correct in our speculations) as zookeepers for the 'animal people' that make up the general populace.

2. 'As a visible way to buttress this evolutionary claim, the zoo has the three men and five women displayed next to (but separated by a fence) their “primate relatives.” (The AP writer used these hackneyed words, “primate relatives,” which are so commonly seen in most zoos today).
- if man is just a primate why not have apes run the government? why not have apes run a zoo for humans?
As I said earlier, I don't believe the elite for a moment think of themselves as apes or animals; all this insistence that man is just an animal is merely an expression of contempt by the ruling elite. If the elite really believe this why don't they shuck their clothes and their million dollar apartments, etc. and go and live in the jungle somewhere?

3. One of the people in the cage pretending to be an ape said;
“A lot of people think humans are above other animals. When they see humans as animals here, it kind of reminds us that we’re not that special.”
- one wonders why governments spend so much time and money teaching self-esteem courses then? That makes no sense either; and is more evidence people don't really believe this twaddly that they are only animals. If kids are just animals why try to boost their self-esteem? and does it make any sense to claim an animal has low self-esteem? I can't see that it does. I don't see anyone giving self-esteem classes for monkeys.

4. 'This is not the first time a zoo has put humans on exhibit. A few years ago, the Copenhagen, Denmark zoo had two humans on display next to some primates, and it featured evolutionary themes as well. See Zoo displays humans.
Most shameful, a racist exhibit appeared 100 years ago in the Bronx Zoo of New York (and in other places, such as St. Louis, Missouri). At the Bronx Zoo, a Pygmy, a man by the name of Ota Benga, was put on display as evidence of a missing link between humans and an apelike ancestor.'
- to put human beings in a cage and call them animals is an act of blasphemy; a gob of spit directed at the Creator. And let me predict that the people who engaged in this stunt (exploiting the feeble minded) will one day look to all as foolish and repulsive as the people who put Ota Benga on display.

5. "Because our DNA is similar to the chimpanzee (a primate), it is assumed that we are therefore somehow related and that humans are nothing more than primate animals.
Similar DNA, however, does not mean common ancestry—the similarity (and there are major differences anyway) can be interpreted in terms of a Creator who uses the same DNA molecule in creating different types of creatures, whether they are elephants, chimpanzees or ants.'' - Monty White
- In creating a unified world it is a necessity to use the same basic components as it were. It's essential for the whole creation to have the same DNA; otherwise you don't have one creation, but many... and there would be chaos, not harmony as the result.

1. this post is similar to the last post, but I hadn't read this article at the time.