Monday, February 11, 2008

Humans on display at London zoo

Crowds go ape over ‘humans’ zoo exhibit: Scantily clad homo sapiens act natural in London zoo enclosure

I think this stunt gives us a parable for looking at the damage evolutionary theory has done to people. So let's take a look at some of the buffoonery that went on.

Quotes and comments;

1. 'Caged and barely clothed, eight men and women monkeyed around for the crowds Friday in an exhibit labeled “Humans” at the London Zoo.
- this display really should have been set up outside Cambridge and Oxford where it belongs; where the idiot theory of evolution came from. And the people scratching themselves should be professors and the Darwinist clergy. (How about Denis Alexander from Faraday Institute; I think he should be there.... he could throw banana skins at the Christian anti-evolutionists who come by.)

2. “Warning: Humans in their Natural Environment” read the sign at the entrance to the exhibit, where the captives could be seen on a rock ledge in a bear enclosure, clad in bathing suits and pinned-on fig leaves. Some played with hula hoops, some waved. Visitors stopped to point and laugh, and several children could be heard asking, “Why are there people in there?”
- this at least gives us some hope not everyone in Britain is suffering from Darwinian dementia :=) Or as the bible says; ''out the mouths of babes and sucklings.'' (You have to be horribly educated, or miseducated to get the idea you're an animal.)
- one wonders why they insisted on having their own cage. If they truly believed they were just primates like any other primates you'd have thought they'd have gone into the ape or chimp cage... and had a great inter-primate party. The great fool (as kind a term as I can muster) Richard Dawkins thinks it would be a great idea to produce a man/chimp hybrid (called in evolutionary circles the humanzee). I think we should give him every opportunity to try and do so. In fact I think we should give him his own key to the chimp cage.

3. London Zoo spokeswoman Polly Wills says that’s exactly the question the zoo wants to answer. “Seeing people in a different environment, among other animals ... teaches members of the public that the human is just another primate,” Wills said.
- really? Are you just another primate Polly? and what pray tell does that mean? If that's the case why are you imprisoning fellow primates dear? Isn't that anti-primatism? I don't see apes having zoos full of human beings dear. What right have you got to imprison other animals dear?
- why didn't you put yourself in a cage Polly dear? and why isn't Richard Dawkins there? (scratching his spotty behind with the rest of his befuddled victims.)

4. 'The exhibit puts the three male and five female “homo sapiens” amid their primate relatives. While their neighbors might enjoy bananas and a good scratch, these eight have divided interests, from a chemist hoping to raise awareness about apes to a self-described actor/model and fitness enthusiast. For others, the aping around is just another forum for rampant exhibitionism and self-promotion.'
- all the eight were described as 'white.' Gee; I wonder why? It wouldn't be very pc to put folk from the Barbados in the cage would it? And why isn't this a case of racism to have only so called 'whites' in the cage? (The fact the perpetrators of this stunt took such care to be politically correct is all the evidence we need man is not an animal.)

5. 'Melissa Wecker, 21, was disappointed that the humans were wearing swimsuits beneath their fig leaves. “They’re not doing anything. It looked lots better on the news,” she complained.
- gee Polly... I don't see apes or monkeys doing that. How come? If man is just a 'primate' why does he wear clothes. Do you wear clothes Polly dear? and why pray tell.

6. 'Tom Mahoney, 26, decided to participate after his friend sent him an e-mail about the contest as a joke. Anything that draws attention to apes, he said, has his support.
“A lot of people think humans are above other animals,” he told the Associated Press. “When they see humans as animals, here, it kind of reminds us that we’re not that special.”
- another genius graduate of the government school system. He's not above animals he claims; but why then does he insist on 501 different so called rights? I don't animals getting all these rights.
- want a bet he doesn't see himself as special :=) But he's learned his lessons well. This is exactly what the political elite want people to believe. i.e. ''you're no better than a barnyard animal... so do as you're told." It's amazing to me that people just go along with this campaign to debase themselves. Does old Tom imagine the politicians of Britain think of themselves as just animals? (I didn't see any pols inside the cage by the way :=)

7. Mark Ainsworth, 21, heard about the Human Zoo on the news.
- the human zoo! That strikes me as pornographic; but I suppose it's a good term for what Darwinian ideology has done to people. i.e. made animals out of them.

“I’ve lived in this country for nine years and have never come to a zoo,” said Ainsworth. “This exhibit made us come to the zoo. Humans are animals too!”
- wow; now there's a lad whose an obvious graduate of government indoctrination. Sounds like a bright lad doesn't he?
- this is too sad to be comical... at least for me. Here's a young man who has learned his lessons well.

8. 'Like the rest of their caged neighbors, the humans had a variety of toys to keep them entertained — board games, music, paints, and balls.
They are being treated as animals, complete with keepers, but are allowed to go home each night at closing time.
- I wonder if they also had the BBC.

9. 'When visitor Peter Bohn, 42, saw the “animals” juggling, he stopped and had a good laugh.
“It’s hilarious,” he said. “It turns everything upside down. It makes you think about the humans in relation to the animals.”
- what it ought to make you think about is all the negative effects of Darwinian teaching.

10. 'After three hours, Mahoney was still having fun, except for when the wind picks up. But, he added, “I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t enjoy it.”
- three hours! If he believes he's just a primate why doesn't he intend to spend the rest of his life inside a cage at the zoo?

Conclusion; this is a priceless metaphor (symbol) for what the teaching of darwinism has done to people. It seems to have caused serious brain damage in at least some people. The trillion dollar education system labors to make man believe he's just an animal. If that's the case one wonders why anyone bothers. We don't educate animals do we? so why should we educate this animal called man?
Darwinism has degraded people to an incredible extent. It has stolen their birthright, that they were created in the image of God. Darwinism strips people of their dignity. The zoo of course is a symbol for what the political elite intend to make of our cities. People will be deprived of all opportunity to own land and forced to live in little boxes in huge mega cities... and be treated like animals at the zoo. They will have no rights but no responsibilities.... and they will be given lots of toys to play with. (And get the BBC of course; or maybe we should call it Zoo TV.
This silly stunt (no doubt financed by tax dollars) reveals the contempt the political elite have for the people.

The fact man creates zoos should be all the evidence anyone needs that he is not an animal. If further evidence is needed, we point to the fact human beings also protest the very existence of zoos... declaring them to be morally wrong. We could also point to the fact some people come to zoos to watch animals. We could point to the fact people pay to do so. We could point to the fact some people make money operating zoos. We could point to the fact people write about zoos. To believe (or to say one believes) man is just an animal one has to ignore all that evidence. (And endless amounts more.) Animals do none of these things.
Maybe the best evidence man isn't an animal is that he will freely (at least for a time) willing enter a cage and pretend to be something he's not. This doesn't prove he's dumber than the ordinary animal, only that he's more perverse. The fact some people get a kick out of masquerading as zoo animals is also evidence man is not an animal. The fact some of our political elite think it's a great joke to force students to accept the 'fact' they're just animals is even more evidence.