Saturday, February 23, 2008

Eli Wiesel vs. creationists

Elie Wiesel Gathers Nobel Laureates to Urge Kansas to Nix ID (09/19/2005)
'Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel has gathered 38 Nobel prize winners to join him in urging the Kansas school board to reject their new science standards that question evolution. According to MSNBC News, their document calls evolution an “indispensable” foundation of biology.

In this post I want to comment on this story.

Quotes and comments;

1. I fail to see what this situation has to do with Wiesel. You'd think that he more than most would know better than to celebrate big central gov. over local government. The centralization of government power was the great evil of the twentieth century. Centralization is the core of all tyranny. You'd think someone like Wiesel would be against some central authority enforcing standards on some smaller group.

2. The fact the Nazis were motivated largely by evolutionism (through Haeckel and others) seems to have escaped Wiesel. Amazing.

3. Evolution theory isn't indispensable to anything but atheism and materialism. Scientists got along with with perfectly well before Charles Darwin popularized the old philosophical idea of the Greeks.
- And of course atheists consider evolution indispensable for waging cultural warfare against Christianity.

4. We see here how fame goes to people's heads. Wiesel (like some Hollywood starlet) somehow imagines he's an expert on all things, and that he has a right to tell distant people how to educate their children. Sound familiar Elie? sound something like Germany? I wonder how he'd like it if people from Kansas tried to enforce their educational standards on everyone in Israel?

5. We see here how fame goes to people's heads. Wiesel somehow imagines he has a right to tell distant people how to educate their children. Sound familiar Elie? He somehow imagines he's also an expert on biology. I wonder how he'd like it if people from Kansas tried to enforce their educational standards on everyone in Israel?

6. What I find strange in episodes like this (where the political elite joins hands with the evolutionary priesthood to suppress all dissent to the theory of evolution) is that they don't take the further step of banning it altogether. (Though recently in Europe there's been some talk among the pols of doing this; and in the old communist countries this was in fact done.) But if anti-evolution (as they call it) is so incredibly dangerous for high school students - so dangerous they're no one is allowed to even critique it - why isn't it dangerous for adults as well?
- The evolutionist elite are already working to ban what they call 'creationism' in private schools as well. And one wonders how long it will be before they try to ban it in the home as well. Christians need to realize that people like these will never stop. If Christians give in here, they will face even fiercer battles down the road.

7. It's sad to see a Nazi survivor team with up the evolutionary priesthood to try and destroy not only any mention of creation, any critique of evolution, but intellectual and political liberty as well. What a legacy.

1. The only answer as I see it are private schools. I remain opposed to all government run schools; and believe everyone should educate their own children. The gov. school is the prime source of political tyranny in our day. There has never been a tyrant that hasn't taken over the schools, and run them in his own name.