Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Self repair as evidence of design

Self-repair is only a capacity of living organisms. Rocks that fall and break apart don't have a mechanism that puts them back together again. I don't see that self-repair would be predicted from physics. I see it as the product of intelligence.

Quotes and comments;

1. 'Some 10 times a day in a given cell, your DNA breaks on both strands. This is an emergency. Unless repaired quickly, serious diseases, like cancer, can develop. But no fear: the first responder is an octopus-shaped protein complex that rushes to the rescue, wraps around the damaged site, and brings in all the parts needed to fix it. [1.]

- This strikes me as a system designed to prevent evolution. Such a system would seem to be predicted by the creation model. e.g. it would seem likely care was taken to make sure man didn't die out, and that he didn't change (evolve) into something else entirely. Measures would have to be taken to ensure the ongoing viability of the the organism. (I'm referring to macro evolution)

2. 'How a set of proteins can sense damage, migrate to a repair site, assess the extent of the break and select the correct repair option, link up to other tools, bring in parts, and put everything back together again is surely one of the wonders of biology coming to light with new observing techniques. [1.]

- I don't know how such systems could evolve; they seem to be the opposite of evolution. The more we know about the biological self the more amazing it is any of are alive, that we can survive 70 years or more. Great care had to have been taken to provide self-repair mechanisms to allow our continued existence.

''The abstract did not mention evolution except to say that the parts are “conserved” (unevolved) across all living things.' [1.]

- Maybe I'm missing something, but I see 'conserved mechanisms' as evidence against evolution. If all is evolution, if nothing in biology makes sense apart from evolution, why are so many factors conserved? i.e. why don't they evolve? To me this means designs are in place to work against evolution.

- The language here is interesting.
'late 14c., from O.Fr. conserver (9c.), from L. conservare "to keep, preserve, keep intact, guard," from com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + servare "keep watch, maintain"

- It seems to me that designs are in place to preserve, keep intact and guard important entities. We know that there are mechanisms within the cell that do indeed keep watch (to spot if things go wrong). This speaks clearly of design to me.

We know that viable machinery sent into space, and thus cut off from sources of human repair, must be able to repair themselves. Systems need to be in place that constantly monitor the functioning of the machine, and there must be mechanisms in place that can repair damage when it's spotted. We know from our own experience in designing (and imagining) space craft what to expect from any entity that has been designed for independent existence.

As space craft design gets more sophisticated we see that engineers are designing into these craft many of the features we see within the cell. In a way we could say that the cell is the ideal model for a space craft. If we could build a space craft that had all the same systems as the cell it could possibly explore the universe for millions or even billions of years.

1. Your DNA Repairman Is Handy as an Octopus Creation/Evolution Headlines 03/27/2011