Thursday, April 7, 2011

Biomimetics and the earthquake argument

In a real sense of the word, we're all creationists now. This is certainly true of anyone in the field of biomimetics. It's even true of the most vociferous atheist. If he's studying the creation he's a creationist. (i.e. if the world was indeed created, as I'm confident it was.)

Quotes and comments;

1. "Biomimetic engineers have already learned a lot from nature, and no doubt the further study of organisms and their often surprising capabilities will suggest, for example, new ways to design materials, to create imaging and communication techniques, and to build stronger or more aerodynamic structures. The inspiration comes from observing what is normal for the organisms and wondering how they function and how we might mimic key features or superior properties." [1.]

- I see the creation as a storehouse of knowledge that God has planted on the earth for our benefit. It's like a huge library just waiting for someone to come in and find something to read.

Let's be topical and talk earthquakes. Atheist thinkers have often used the earthquake argument to deny or vilify god; but what if all the knowledge we need to predict earthquakes is lying ready in nature? i.e. what if there are animals (organisms) that are able to predict earthquakes. We could study these creatures and learn methods for detecting earthquakes, and advance warning systems. This would mean all the deaths associated with the 'Lisbons' of history were unnecessary... that the knowledge we needed was readily available, but we just didn't make use of it.

It's possible certain animals avoid living in earthquake zones, or avoid certain areas at certain times. If we decide to live where we know earthquakes will one day happen, it's certainly no fault of God's.

- Mike 'the motorsike' Johnson [4.]

1. Plagiarizing Nature Creation/Evolution Headlines 03/28/2011
'In Science March 18, Marc Lavine reviewed a recent book on biomimetics edited by Robert Allen with the amusing title Bulletproof Feathers: How Science Uses Nature’s Secrets to Design Cutting-Edge Technology (University of Chicago Press, 2010).
2. LiveScience;
“The thinking behind scientists’ interest in super-small DNA bots is that in order to replicate some amazing abilities in nature, one must go very small.” Even more shocking, they are using intelligent design: “‘Information is programmed into the design of the base sequences of the DNA strands,’ [Andrew] Turberfield said.”
- Very interesting. A belief in materialism leads scientists to ignore information when they speak of the make up of an organ etc. They restrict themselves to its physical components, but ignore the encoded information. If there is an 'essence' to an organism, it's the information that in-forms the physical matter. Information is the key component of all organisms. There is only one source for information that we know of, and that's intelligence.
3. Biomimetics;
'The study of the structure and function of living things as models for the creation of materials or products by reverse engineering.'
- Hm. Can you reverse engineer something that wasn't first engineered :=}
4. I'm adding a nick name just for today, in honor of my elderly mother who is not feeling well. She used to call me this name when she was in a good mood. Get well soon Mother. (I hope I spelled motorsike correctly.)
- when I was a boy I almost lived on a bicycle.