Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mother Nature is Dead

Around a hundred years ago Nietzsche sent a crazy man around telling everyone that god was dead. I think it's time to give the guy a new message; namely "Mother Nature is dead''. New discoveries in biology (thanks to ever improved microscopes, etc.) have made belief in mindless nature obsolete.

Quotes and comments;

A. 'Electric eels are inspiring a new generation of fuel cells. Science Daily reported that a remarkable fusion of engineering and biology may lead to tiny electronic devices that run on biology’s own energy currency, ATP.
“Engineers long have known that great ideas can be lifted from Mother Nature, but a new paper by researchers at Yale University and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) takes it to a cellular level.” [1.]

- The idea of lifting ideas from nature seems an unspoken admission of intelligent design. How else would one find 'ideas' in matter? i.e. matter 'informed' with ideas.

- Maybe someone can tell me why the word mother is added to nature in this sentence. (As if nature wasn't bad enough from a Christian perspective.) Sooner or later people are going to wake up to the fact that the old idea of a mindless nature (dependent solely upon the laws of physics) is dead. (Even though she's dead we have masses who still insist on worshipping her.)

B. “Nerve cells, which move information rather than energy, can fire rapidly but with relatively little power,” the article said...' [1.]

- As mere matter doesn't trade in information this is more evidence of intelligent design. As I see it, the evidence of intelligent design in biological life forms is obvious; all that remains to decide is who the designer or designers were.

1. Living Better Bioelectrically Creation/Evolution Headlines 10/04/2008
2. In the above I'm referring to the secular (materialist) concept of 'nature' here, rather than the pantheistic concept.