Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Evolution; the co-opting of biology by materialism

One of the most popular explanations for complex biological organisms is to claim they co-opted their machinery from other organisms. This strikes me as a ploy that in the long run can't work. Let's take a brief look at the subject of Photosynthesis.

Quotes and comments;

A. "Although the last word on the origins of oxygen-making photosynthesis isn’t in,” writes Mitch Leslie in Science, “researchers say they are making progress. One thing is for certain, however: Without this innovation, Earth would look a lot like Mars.” [1.]

B. “Envisioning the steps that led to this complex biochemistry is mind-boggling.” ["]
- In other words, we don't have a clue.

C. 'All he could suggest in terms of an evolutionary story were two scenarios: (1) bacteria co-opted existing machinery used for other functions; and (2) bacteria shared their technology by lateral gene transfer. ["]

- We get this constantly; if an evolutionist is asked to account for the existence of some X he says, ''it co-opted something.'' Well, what happens if you keep pushing that 'idea' backwards? Sooner or later you are left with something that was so basic (the famous first cell) it had nothing to co-opt. But it can't be co-option all the way down. Somebody (as it were) has got to come up with something on their own, instead of just 'borrowing' it from someone else. The idea X co-opted existing machinery just avoids the basic problem. The grim reality for materialists is that they have no way to create the complex information that they need. The idea inert matter can create information (can create intelligent code) is surely the most hopeless idea out there.

- Lateral gene transfer can be seen as just another way for X to co-opt existing machinery.

- What we see here is the co-opting of biology by materialists. There's no way materialism can account for photosynthesis, let alone for the first living organisms. Darwinism (or M2M evolution) is a dead theory. Only the momentum of history and the power of the educational bureaucracy keep it in a position of dominance.

- The power of the evolutionary bureaucracy is so great that everyone is forced to adopt M2M evolution as a theory to survive. Evolution is taught as truth because the educational elite has voted it the theory they like best. That it's dead in the water doesn't seem to bother too many people. (They like Darwin the way they like Castro. It hardly matters if their ideas are true.)

1. Evolution of Photosynthesis: A Theory in Crisis Creation/Evolution Headlines 03/23/2009
2. Co-opt; take or assume for one's own use.
- To commandeer, appropriate or take over. - Wiki
- of an elected group) to make someone a member through the choice of the present members
3. Cosmologists claim they know what happened a trillionth of a second after the big bang; but apparently they can't tell us what happened 10 billion years later on planet earth that led to the first living organism. That seems a bit out of whack to me.
4. M2M = molecules to man.