Friday, July 17, 2009

The Man who was deluded

The enigma called Dawkins

- I believe it was Janet Browne who said that although she had spent a lifetime (poor dear) studying Darwin, he still remained an enigma to her. We could say the same for Richard Dawkins.

Quotes and comments;

1. ‘The universe we observe has … no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference. … DNA neither knows nor cares. DNA just is. And we dance to its music.’ [River out of Eden; p.133]

- Here's a man who says there is no such thing as good or evil; but has spent the last 2o years or so telling us all how evil Christians, the bible, God, the church, etc. are. This makes no sense; but somehow he manages not only to get away with this but to prosper. It's a strange approach to take, to say the least.

- None of this makes sense so why does he do it? In summary we can say he's just following the strategy called critical theory. Various intellectuals decided that the best way to destroy something is to subject it to a relentless and radical critique. (e.g. Czarist Russia) In the language of the street, if you throw enough crap at something, some of it will stick. There will always be naive and ignorant people who won't mind or notice that your critique has no internal coherence.

- I get the picture Dawkins has drunk deeply from the culture of critique. He's studied the Frankfurt school and all the rest of civilization wreckers of our time. (He's said nothing people like Adorno didn't say decades before.) He has too much hatred to be an honest scholar; his desire to destroy Christianity makes him incapable of intellectual integrity. And so we get the absurd picture of the nihilist as great moral reformer. It makes no sense; but I suppose that's Richard Dawkins in a nutshell.
- The 'God Delusion' of course is just dipping into Freud's slop bucket (e.g. 'The Future of an Illusion') If Dawkins is really interested in delusions he should read some of Freud's books. These are the greatest collection of delusionary statements ever made in the history of the human race. (e.g. Moses and Monotheism, Totem and Taboo, etc.)

- I've tried to compare this behavior to other things but it's hard to find analogies or similar examples. Let's try a couple.

- Dawkins is a like a snake oil salesman. He might be likened to some professor who writes a book denouncing the fraudsters who sell snake oil at fairs, but then is caught one day operating a stand at the fair where he's selling snake oil. [5.]
- Dawkins is perhaps more like the politician who gives fiery speeches where he celebrates equality and egalitrianism, who denounces the evil rich... but he himself owns a multi-million dollar estate by the river, complete with a bevy of servants. (I'm sure you can think of a few.)

- His hypocrisy is so extreme he can really only be compared to these lying, stealing politicians. The analogy would only hold if some of these pols actually believed what they said. Whether any exist I don't know. (I'm told that such people do exist, and that they defend their very unequal situation by saying they deserve it, or by saying that it helps them fight the good fight or somesuch. All this sounds hard to believe.)

- The kindest thing we can say about him is that he contradicts himself. (Over and over; like a monkey banging on a typewriter :=) One day he reads something by a philosopher and he really does believe there is no good or evil, that these things are only delusions; but the next day he reads a book attacking Christianity and he is consumed with a hatred for it. The man is clearly unstable. He seems to think he can open his big gob and say anything he wants, whether he has any foundation for it in his worldview or not.
- His arguments defy all the rules of logic. To say 'I don't believe in evil... but x is evil' breaks all the rules of logic. There is no way to get from the belief 'there is no evil' to the belief 'x is evil.' There is an unbridgeable chasm between the two. (You certainly can't get there using logic.) No one should take this kind of 'reasoning' seriously. That they apparently do is a riddle.

1. It surely makes no sense to complain that matter is pitiless. Only personal agents can show pity. (Dawkins is so enthralled by power of rhetoric that he's continually uttering such logical nonsense.)
2. The fallacy at the heart of the culture of criticism is simple; it has no basis in reality. It has no foundation to stand on. The great critics of our age have no right to criticize anything. They're intellectual beggars, without a penny in their bank accounts. They have no basis for truth, reality, justice, law, rationality, logic, or anything else.
- If man is just matter in motion, and his thoughts are just chemical reactions, and he's just a deluded gene carrying robot he has no basis to make any statements about the world. His own worldview destroys his basis for critique.
3. The self-conscious critics know all this; and they simply don't care. They tell themselves and their comrades, that it isn't about truth, but it's about power. This being the case it doesn't matter if a criticism is valid, it doesn't matter if what you say isn't true. None of this matters they assure each other.
- If you want evidence for this just open up your daily newspaper. The two I get are filled on a daily basis with endless complaints against the culture. Almost every day the cover story is some sob story about how the evil culture (i.e. Christians) are doing evil things to poor helpless people. If you didn't know better, you'd think this was the worst place on earth. [The city I live in is regularly voted one of the top places to live in in the world.] It never (never) stops. It doesn't matter that the people who make these critiques insist man is just a mindless animal. It doesn't matter that they insist that Truth doesn't exist. It doesn't matter that they insist all views are relative. Nothing matters. All that matters is that they endlessly portray Christianity as evil. (The owners of the newspapers are billionaire Marxists if that's of any interest to you.)
- This ownership family has a hatred of Christianity that is wildly irrational. Their papers (written by the clueless products of our Marxist universities) are constantly filled with attacks on Christianity, Christians and anything to do with Creation. They continually celebrate the materialist miracle of evolution. We're continually favored with doxologies about new evolutionary discoveries. Evolution is proved every other day. Praises to Darwin are offered on a weekly basis. (All by people who are utterly ignorant of biology.)
4. The methodology of this critique is simple; hold everyone and everything up to a standard of perfection. Well; since people are finite, fallible and fallen (i.e. imperfect) this is a make work project for the Ages. The hypocrisy of imperfect people holding others up to a standard of perfection is absurdist. The spectacle of people who insist we're all animals, demanding we live like super saints is a farce. This is all a joke. This is intellectual buffoonery.
- One of the great ironies is that the people who demand we all live up to this arbitrary standard of perfection have no basis for determining such a standard. Where would it come from? From their selfish genes? Would it be some excretement from their brains? (The delusions of the Materialist are endless.)
- And of course it's only certain groups who get subjected to this baseless attack. (e.g. the people who write for and publish the Marxist rags we call newspapers never get subjected to such endless acid attacks.)
5. The christian community is full of snake oil salesmen of course. (e.g. John 'the Zionist' Hagee. This is someone I personally find one of the most repellent human beings on the planet. He has associates in his theological circus; Lahaye; Lindsey, Robertson, etc.) How sad it is that the american church is so full of these charlatans. It's virtually impossible to defend Christianity successfully with these deluded and debauched figures parading around the stage. (They totter around like old age strippers trying to augment their pensions.)
6. Self-defense;
- If Christians want to defend themselves against this pagan (what else can we call it?) attack, they can take simple steps. They can; stop buying newspapers by people who hate them; stop supporting the hate mongers in Hollywood; stop watching anti-C. television; stop supporting people who wage war on them, etc. This sounds pretty simple; but few Christians are even doing this much.