Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Roundness of Evolution

One of the more amusing comments made about evolution recently is one by the American theologian Michael Peterson.

Quotes and comments;
1. In the video 'C. S. Lewis and Evolution' a theologian is quoted as saying;
"Evolution shares equal status with the roundness of the earth, it's revolution around the sun and the molecular composition of matter.''  [1.]

- Doesn't our theologian understand the difference between physical objects and living organisms? Doesn't he understand they can't legitimately be compared? e.g. the cell is at least a trillion times more complex than a grain of sand. If Peterson was the expert in philosophy and logic that he claims to be he'd know this renders analogies across these realms exercises in deceit and obfuscation.

Our evolutionary apologist seems to have forgotten that no one denies the roundness of the earth,  heliocentricity, or atomic structure, while they do have grave doubts about evolution, and many deny it altogether. If he had ears to hear this would tell him something... but perhaps he has his fingers in his ears.

We might as what has the ''roundness'' of the earth got to do with genetics and biological complexity? Maybe the superiority of evolution (as a solution to the mystery of origins) rests in its being a round theory.

Overheard at a recent BioLogos convention;

"It's the roundness of the theory that finally convinced me of its veracity. It's a theory that's as round as the earth, or as the belly of a gourmand.''

"It's the plumpness, the globularity of the idea that impresses me. It possesses a bold circularity that  verges on an almost mystical cylindricity."

"I myself admire the globosity of the idea, it shares a certain geometric relation to the curve in Darwin's nose."

"No other theory in science even approaches the rotundity of this theory... it leaves a man fully satisfied, and enlarges his thinking in all areas.''
"Well, said my friend, well said.''

"I would say that we see in evolution a theory that is plump without being bloated. It has a perfection of roundness that we will likely not see again."

"It's always been my contention that the more round an idea is the more closely it approximates reality... and since  no theory has more roundness than evolution this means it is a certain fact. A man can no more deny it than he can deny his own belly. It's as necessary to science as good suspenders to a pair of pants."

- Michael Johnson  [frfarer at]

1. CS Lewis and Evolution
"Evolution shares equal status with the roundness of the earth, it's revolution around the sun and the molecular composition of matter.'' - theologian Michael Peterson
2. I had no idea the earth was round; when I went to school it was called a ''bumpy spheroid'' as I remember.