Saturday, April 21, 2012

But I don't need God

One of the major myths of our time is the idea that now that we have 'science' we don't need God. Few things could be further from the truth.

Quotes and comments;

1.  'Professor Francisco Ayala explained in detail why Darwinism ruled out theism, namely that it negated the need for an intelligent creator because “Darwin’s greatest contribution to science” is that he led the way to prove that natural law can create all that is real, and no need exists for an intelligent creator because “organisms could now be explained . . . as the result of natural processes, without recourse to an Intelligent Designer” [1.]

- What natural law? There is no 'natural law' that can write genetic code. This is an empty boast, a dry cloud drifting in a clear sky. What we call natural laws do Not create codes; to do this requires an intelligent mind.

Darwin came up with a story about how creatures might (having magically come into being) change from one species to another, but this story doesn't in any way affect reality. i.e. it need not have anything to do with reality. e.g. a certain advance in the stock market can be explained in any almost infinite number of ways. The idea that we don't need a Creator because Charlie dreamt up a story is comical but not convincing. The fact he knew little or nothing about genetics allowed him to speculate freely, with no restraint from reality.

"But I don't need God,'' a fisherman once told me during a conversation about Christianity. At the time I told him, ''it's not about whether you think you need God but whether God exists.'' Today I'd tell him; yes, you do need God. Without God you would not would exist. It's sad that many people in our day seem to prefer an impossible story to the reality of a creator God.

- Michael Johnson

1. Why Orthodox Darwinism Demands Atheism - Jerry Bergman 
(Ayala 2007, p. 8567).
2. Liberal theologians like to say ''we don't need God all we need is the idea of god.'' If all we had was an idea of God we wouldn't be here.