Monday, November 21, 2011

The miracle of abiogenesis

I don't think many people realize that cosmic evolution requires a series of miracles.

Quotes and comments;

1. 'German pathologist Rudolf Virchow succeeded in formulating the ‘law of biogenesis’ (‘all cells from cells’) in 1855, and Frenchman Louis Pasteur used it to refute the idea of spontaneous generation in 1864. [1.]

- A materialist origin for the biosphere would have to violate the law of biogenesis; but wait, aren't we told we can't believe in miracles because they violate natural law, and that nothing can violate natural law? The theory of evolution necessitates a miracle then, as it requires a violation of natural law. The idea life can 'emerge' from non-life cannot be called science as it goes against all that we know.

2. 'Twenty years later in 1855 Rudolf Virchow proposed an important extension of cell theory that "All living cells arise from pre-existing cells". ("Omnis cellula e celula") This statement has become what is known as the "Biogenic law". This idea flew in the face of current doctrine. It implied that there was no spontaneous creation of cells from non-living matter. [3.]

- I find it comical that the champions of naturalistic science have adopted a theory (cosmic evolution) that requires a violation of natural law. Life from non-life is an a-theistic miracle. Why is so few of our academics and scientists seem to care?

- M. Johnson

1. A review of Science as a Way of Knowing: The Foundations of Modern Biology by John A. Moore; Book Review by Alex Williams
2. 'In natural science, abiogenesis or biopoesis is the study of how biological life arises from inorganic matter through natural processes, and the method by which life on Earth arose. - wiki