Monday, October 10, 2011

The depressing news about Darwinism

A modern curse emanating from academia is the field called evolutionary psychology. I want to make a few comments on how it views depression.

Quotes and comments;

1. 'It's reasonable to speculate that the reason depression exists is that it is an adaptive response, hard wired into us because it has survival value.' [1.]

- Is this a 'reasonable' claim, or is it just Darwinian storytelling? It's only 'reasonable' if you insist on believing in evolutionary theory - if you do, then it's not only reasonable but necessary. The textbooks tell students all behavior exists because of an evolutionary adaptation that produced advantages in the battle for survival. This being the case, O'Connor Must believe depression has survival value. Darwinism has seriously led him astray. (In my view, Darwinism is a dementia that renders bright, educated people into fools.) [2.]

A belief in Darwinism leads to many similar (and absurd) ideas; not only does depression have survival value, but every other mental condition, including sexual perversion, violence and every other negative behavior. [3.]

2. 'Depression 'may be adaptive for the species if it gets us to retreat in the face of danger or overwhelming obstacles, or cease misguided efforts to get what we want if if just no available, or step back from situations that might just work out if we leave them alone.' [1.]

- We need to be depressed to do these things! What it takes to do these things in intelligence, not depression. How then does such a ridiculous idea get transcribed into our school books? Simple. The Darwinian model posits a proto man who has no real intelligence so he relies on depression to get him to act in a wise or intelligent fashion. The biblical model denies such a creature ever existed. It doesn't see depression as a positive thing.

- M. Johnson

1. Undoing Perpetual Stress - Richard O'Connor p. 247.
2. Hard wired? If he means a gene that directly causes depression that seems doubtful.
3. Are we supposed to believe human beings could exist without depression? Are we supposed to believe that one day man will evolve into a creature who no longer gets depressed? (O'Connor is someone who believes human misery is caused by a failure of the central nervous system to evolve to meet the stresses of modern life.)