Monday, May 2, 2011

All men know God

People in our day claim the evidence for God's existence is either slim or none. The bible has a different take. It declares that all men know God, that the evidence for his existence is inescapable.

Quotes and comments;

1. 'God has revealed himself to all men, providing evidence that justifies belief in his existence and character...' [1.]

- Men can't escape the evidence for God. It's everywhere he looks; from the microscopic to the macroscopic; from the microsphere to the macroshere; from the cell to the seashell, from the tree to the birds, form the Manatee to the mind of man. From the size of DNA to the size of the cosmos. (Some men are staggered by the size of the universe, and hold this out as 'evidence' God doesn't exist. "Why would God have created such a vast surplus" they ask. The size of the universe is nothing compared to the staggering complexity of the cell. Men should be far more impressed by the tiny cell than they are by the vast universe.

The evidence for God's existence is available to all men; no one has gone without it (been cut off from it). The evidence has been available to all men - and it has impressed all men. No one has failed to be impressed with the world, with the universe. From the very beginning men have been astounded by the world (the logosphere) and the creatures in it. They've studied the world, wrote poems in praise of it, sung songs about it, wrote endless books about it. To say they've been impressed would be an understatement.

What men have not always done is give God the credit. Men have been liberal in their praise of the creation, but stingy in their praise of the Creator.

1. Van Til's apologetic - Greg Bahnsen p.184