Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Stasis vs Evolution

One major line of data that sheds doubt on the veracity of evolutionary theory concerns the matter of stasis. Since this was not predicted by the theory, and is in fact the opposite of what the theory predicted, it serves as strong counter evidence.

Quotes and comments;

A. 'Science Daily reported that the world’s oldest fig wasp fossil has been discovered on the Isle of Wight. “The fossil wasp is almost identical to the modern species, proving that this tiny but specialized insect has remained virtually unchanged for over 34 million years.” [1.]

- Gee; I thought nothing made sense other than in terms of evolution. I guess this story of the wasp doesn't make sense then. I guess 'stasis' doesn't make sense then either. I guess living fossils don't make sense. I guess all these hundreds of 'anomalies don't make sense. (Maybe it's Dobzhansky's famous edict is what doesn't make sense.) [3.]

I guess the fact various creatures don't change over tens of millions of years (even as much as 100 million years or more if we're to believe our betters) doesn't make sense either. (Maybe it's the theory of evolution that doesn't make sense.)

Maybe it's these long ages (attributed to fossils) that doesn't make sense. I'm not so surprised that there's no 'progress' in evolution; what surprises me is that lack of devolution. If these age claims were correct I would expect to see a lot more genetic deterioration.

It's clear to me that stasis isn't the exception, it's the rule. If the data is really what's important (as evolutionists claim) then it's time for the textbooks to be changed to reflect these new discoveries. What doesn't make sense to me is how people can still believe in the theory of M2M evolution in the face of all the evidence against it. On the one hand 'evolution' is presented as an unstoppable force that controls all things, but then we see numerous examples of stasis. Apparently the all transforming mechanism of evolution isn't so powerful after all.

If the wasp were the only example of 'stasis' we have, the data could easily be ignored - but we have hundreds of examples of so called stasis. Evolutionary theory only makes sense if people are willing to ignore this data.

1. Fossils Without Evolution Creation/Evolution Headlines 06/18/2010
2. ' Dr. Steve Compton of London’s Natural History Museum stated an evolutionary theory rescue device called “give the mystery a name” when he said, “Although we often think of the world as constantly changing, what this fossil gives us is an example of something remaining unchanged for tens of millions of years – something which in biology we call ‘stasis’.” [above]
- As far as I'm concerned the refutation of evolutionary theory is staring him in the face, but he doesn't have the courage to admit it.
3. "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution"
- T. Dobzhansky
4. 'Science Daily tossed in a little humor on that point in its headline: “World’s Oldest Fig Wasp Fossil Proves That If It Works, Don’t Change It.” But is that an evolutionary law of nature? If monkeys worked, why did they change into humans, and why are there still monkeys?' [above]
- This well known saying refers of course to human beings, and to human behavior, to human intentionality, etc. It's utterly bogus to use this phrase in conjunction with the blind, random forces of evolutionary change. ( If this 'law of science' (cough) were true there would be no evolutionary change. I guess it depends on what we call change. I see no evidence one animal kind transformed into another kind. All I see are fairly trivial variations on a theme.)
5. 'The article mentions a 100-million-year old fossil of a gecko “the same sophisticated method of toe adhesion that allows it to walk easily on vertical and even inverted surfaces - a capability that served it well when it was skittering away from dinosaurs then, or is skipping through the jungles of Southeast Asia today.” [above]
- Does anyone really believe that? Does anyone really believe the Gecko hasn't changed in one hundred million years? (This is a number far too large to be rationally comprehended in my view.) During this time continents broke apart, mountain ranges rose and fell, seas appeared and disappeared, lemurs turned into leprechauns, dinosaurs turned into butterflies... and the gecko never changed. Really?