Monday, March 8, 2010

Getting down to the real

The more complex a phenomenon is, the more difficult it is to find an adequate explanation for its existence.
A failure to find explanation at one 'level' indicates one has to dig deeper to find something that can adequately fit the data in question.

Quotes and comments;

A. "We can say that the undreamed of breakthrough in molecular biology has made the problem of the origin of life a greater riddle than it was before; we have acquired more and deeper problems." [1.]

- It seems to me that this wouldn't be true if reductionism (materialism) were correct. This 'deepening' Popper speaks of means we haven't got to the level true explanation resides at. To me this indicates that current explanations are likely wrong.

The failure of Materialism to account for biological phenomenon indicates that an adequate explanation must be sought in terms of the non-material.

1. Alive; an enquiry into the origin and meaning of life - Magnus Verbrugge p.124
- "Popper marvels at the progress made in biochemistry, but that deals with how living beings stay alive, not with their origin."