Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Playing church in the fields of the Lord

The 'liberal' church continues to venerate Charles Darwin, and to denigrate creation. I want to look at a particularly absurd instance of this.

Quotes and comments;

Anglican Official Says Church Should Apologize to Darwin

Sept 14, 2008 — The Church of England official feels the Church should apologize to Charles Darwin for having been too slow to accept his ideas in the 19th century. The statement, to be posted on a website promoting Darwin’s views, reads:
"Charles Darwin: 200 years from your birth, the Church of England owes you an apology for misunderstanding you and, by getting our first reaction wrong, encouraging others to misunderstand you still. We try to practise the old virtues of ‘faith seeking understanding’ and hope that makes some amends." - Malcolm Brown [1.]

- I wasn't aware you apologized to dead people; but I guess this is one more example of how theology is evolving on the emerald isle. [This has the odor of praying to the dead.]

- You don't apologize for failing to understand something. (At least not in the real world) Contrary to what Mr. Brown thinks, the church can't apologize for anything, or to anything, since it's not a person.

- Maybe he thinks Darwin came back as a pigeon, and he's apologizing to the one that's sitting on his window sill. (As you may or may not know; some of the Anglican clergy now believe in reincarnation.)

- Maybe he ought to apologize to Darwin for burying him in a church. (i.e. since he was an atheist, and the family had planned a quiet ceremony in the country I seem to remember.)

- His apology is as phoney as his theology (or should that be clergyology?) You notice he doesn't apologize to creationists, for slander and distortion. (How convenient it must be, to apologize to dead people for things you never did.)

- Here we see christian liberals playing at church. (Their favorite form of entertainment) Children play doctor, and liberal theologians play church.

- Here we see the pathetic state of apologetics in the Humanist church. A defense of the faith has devolved into a defense of tourist attractions and famous Victorians. (These people would never dream of defending biblical Christianity of course - this being something they loathe, from the tips of the ringed pierced ears to bottom of their Gucci shoes.) Apologetics is supposed to be the defense of the faith, not the defense of famous enemies of the faith.

- Gee; I hope Charles got this apology. To make sure it got through to him I think we should send one of these gowned goofballs down with a copy of it. I'm sure Charles would like a printed copy. It might even make his day; in fact I'm sure it would. (We could hope our emissary would get lost on the way back... but I suppose this wouldn't be charitable. But if he doesn't make it back, I promise to apologize for having suggested this course of action.)

- "Faith seeking understanding'' when translated from the Greek means, ''we're looking to dump the traditional doctrines of the church wherever possible."

- This so called apology to Darwin strikes me as being a back handed attack on the doctrine of creation. (Which as we know has no proper place within the church of England.)

- Lastly, I want to say that if these comments have offended Charles Darwin, I apologize. (I do tend to get a little peeved over this kind of thing.)

1. Anglican Official Says Church Should Apologize to Darwin; Creation/Evolution Headlines
2. 'According to The Telegraph, the statement was written by Malcolm Brown, the church’s director of mission and public affairs. He believes the church repeated the mistakes of the Catholic church in their treatment of Galileo.
- I think this is the first time I've heard a Christian liberal admit to making a mistake; or admit any liberal theologian has ever made a mistake. (Can we hope they'll one day admit it was a mistake to venerate Charles Darwin and his theory of materialistic evolution?)
- The Anglican church is as much a collection of fossils as the royal family. It's time to dig them up and throw them out. (Rowan Williams is the Mr. Bean of the English church.)
3. Brown’s statement also considers “anti-evolutionary fervour” an “indictment” on the church.
- so this is basically an apology (to atheists and materialists everywhere) for having taught the doctrine of creation. (Or in the case of the church of England, of having vaguely acknowledged it once or twice.) This apology is just another pretext for creation bashing. (Or in this case, hanky waving.)
4. You notice these pampered and powdered ones wouldn't dream of apologizing to true Christians, or to Christ (for having made a mockery of his name with their heretical ideas and slander).