Monday, June 9, 2008

Another refutation of Materialism

- We can refute materialism by pointing out that the grand reductionist program does not, and cannot work. Some mad dreamers have imagined that all things could be reduced to chemistry and then to the basics of physics; not only animal behavior, but all forms of human behavior.

Quotes and comments;

1. “The ultimate aim of the modern movement in biology is in fact to explain all of biology in terms of physics and chemistry” - Francis Crick

- If Materialism were true its grand explanatory scheme 'should' work. But if chess can't be reduced to atoms in motion; if poetry can't, if language can't,; if the philosophy of science can't, if art can't, (etc.) then Materialism is a fallacious view of the universe. But obviously the reductionist program doesn't work. (The people who think it does couldn't put together enough members to field a soccer team.)The only way it can be made to work is to claim that human experience is a total illusion. (To go to such lengths to save a theory; to murder man to save a philosophical theory is utter irrationalism.)

- Can the creation/evolution debate be reduced to physics? Can belief in God? Can the rejection of god? Materialism is a program that can't ever be brought to fruition; it's impossible. The fact it cannot is all the evidence we need that the world view it espouses is false.

- For 'mysterious' reasons all this is almost never pointed out to students.

- so why doesn't it matter that Materialism has been refuted many times over? Man in his Fallenness (and rebellion) refuses to admit defeat, refuses to honor his creator.

- this is a short post I realize; but nothing more needs to be said. Materialism has, throughout all history, been seen as false and inadequate account of reality. It has been refuted more times than can be counted. People only affirm it because they loathe the alternative.

1. The two quotes below are from; 'The Origin of Consciousness [Part I]
by Bert Thompson, Ph.D. and Brad Harrub, Ph.D.
a. As Sir Francis Crick put it: “The ultimate aim of the modern movement in biology is in fact to explain all of biology in terms of physics and chemistry” (1966, p. 10, emp. added).
b.Emil du-Bois-Reymand (1818-1896), the founder of electrochemistry, and Hermann von Helmholtz (1812-1894), the famed German physiologist and physicist who was the first to measure the speed of nerve impulses, agreed: “All the activities of living material, including consciousness, are ultimately to be explained in terms of physics and chemistry."
2. Does anyone want to explain the Armenian or the Jewish holocausts of in terms of physics?