Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The myth of Creation

The case against Christianity; proved

A popular way to attack Christianity is to claim that Christians and the Bible are against science. Unfortunately too many Christians have responded to this criticism by denying it. This just won't do. I think it's beyond dispute that this charge has at least some merit to it. In this post I'll look at one rather infamous example of this anti-science bias.

We have a famous example of Christians being wrong in this area. As you know for many centuries Christians criticized the idea the universe was eternal. That the universe was eternal was the sure knowledge of all the scientists of the day. The idea anyone could deny such an obvious fact of science was hard for many scientists to accept. Christians who denied the eternality of the universe were scolded for believing in fairy tales and in the words of an old book. They were rebuked for holding back progress in science. "Things only make sense in terms of an eternal universe,'' they were told. "Astronomy only makes sense in terms of an eternal universe," the cosmologists added. ("Alchemy only makes sense in terms of an eternal universe,'' Christians were told.)

But, alas, Christians wouldn't give up their superstitious belief in Genesis, and so continued to believe in creation. (And out of nothing! and in an instant!) It was incomprehensible to the eternalists that people could be so stubborn.

And so it is to this day. While many of our educated Christians have switched to a belief in an eternal universe, most of the uneducated Christians still believe in the old tale about creation in time. (As if that made any sense!) So we have to admit the charges are true. All we can hope for is that the new public education movement will be able to eradicate such fantastic notions.

1. From an essay found in an old book. I no longer have the book, having lost it in a storm at sea. (Unfortunately I've forgotten the title as well.)
2. No, I'm not making this all up. I leave invention to the evolutionists, they're far better at making things up, than we poor creationists. In fact they've made a science of it.