Quotes and comments;
I rarely read the local rag of a newspaper, but I just happened to look through it the other day and was immediately reminded of why I don't.

A controversial piece of public art depicting an inverted church will soon be removed from Harbour Green Park.'
- We see a photo of some monstrosity of a sculpture. It appears to be about 30 feet high, and is an inverted church (with steeple) and the steeple is planted in the ground. This bit of humanist excrement is entitled 'rooting out all evil.' This foul entity has been 'standing' on public park land for the last 18 months. It was purchased by some fools to 'celebrate' an art festival. They paid the artist $300,000 dollars for it. (And who says hate doesn't pay?) This is socialism in action, where the political elite force their views on the rest of the populace. The pretense of socialism is that some oligarchy of the political elite will gather (i.e. steal) the resources of a society and use them to help ordinary people. A bigger joke has never been invented; and I offer this sculpture as evidence. Does this have anything to do with helping ordinary people? Is it what ordinary people would want? Doesn't it in fact show a hatred and contempt for ordinary people? The miseducated clowns who do these things show by these actions how totally alienated from the populace they are.
2. 'Although an offer was made to donate the piece to the city on a long-term loan, Weaving said Wednesday: “We’re recommending it come out in part because of the mixed public responses.”
That includes, she said, concern from area residents that the seven-metre-high piece blocks view corridors and takes too much of a small patch of green space.
“Some people have also contacted us to say that they feel the subject matter isn’t appropriate,” said Weaving.
- In any sane society this kind of hate speech wouldn't be allowed. (Can you imagine these people offending Muslims in this way? Can you imagine them exhibiting an upside down mosque, called "Rooting out all evil''? How about a statue of Darwin upside down in a toilet bowl 'rooting out all evil' or a bust of Marx in a tank of urine? Not bloody likely. How about a sculpture portraying the State as the root of all evil?
- and what pray tell does this have to do with a public park? I'm long tired of socialists using public spaces (and public funds) to set up anti-Christian artifacts.
- this isn't art, it's simple hatred. The great irony is that the people who support this kind of infamy claim man is just a mindless, soulless animal. But I don't see animals doing this. I don't see animals getting upset over ideas and world views. But if man is just an animal (or some robotic gene carrier) there is no truth.... and therefore this 'statement' is irrational and meaningless. The claim 'religion' (and he's referring to Christianity) is the root of all evil makes no sense if evolutionary theory is correct. In a materialist universe there would be no evil and there would be no truth. (The fact people believe that evil and truth exist is all the evidence we need that the materialist view of the universe is fallacious.)
- What we see here is how modern Humanism (ie. Darwinism) destroys art. True art is about beauty; humanist art is about political ideology. (Can you imagine anything more reactionary than this bit of art?) The whole idea of art has been turned upside down. This isn't art meant to give pleasure to the public, but to vent the petty hatred of the artist. And who buys this crap? No one; which is why the 'art world' has to get friends in politics to buy it, using tax dollars. No one is going to buy a gob of spit that's been directed at them. What we see here is political corruption; where the resources of the State are stolen and distributed to friends.
- the socialist elite have been forcing the crap on us for long enough. (Could a 200 foot statue of Stalin be any worse?) What these people are doing with sculptures like this (and less offensive examples pollute the city from one end to the other) is giving us the finger. One wonders how long Canadians will put up with this stuff. (The so called artist couldn't even get this bit of junk exhibited in New York!)
- I never cease to be amazed out the outrageous things our humanist pols allow themselves. No one but Christians are treated this way. (Imagine them mocking native groups this way.) Their so called pluralism is a joke; a pretense. Their defense of 'religious' rights is a pretense. Their so called love of diversity is a pretense. (They deserve awards for hypocricy.) There is apparently no bit of anti-Christian hatred they won't allow themselves.
3. Device to root out Evil (A photograph is available online at the link above.)
- One wonders how Oppenheim can be so clueless. Was there no evil in the USSR? Is the man totally unread? The idiocy of people like this is beyond belief. In reality they don't present arguments they just spew their hatred. (Evil of course has no meaning if man is just an animal; or if man is just chemical reactions; or just atomic particles.) The world view presented by people like this is irrationalism on stilts. These are the people who never said a word against the evils of communist countries. For anyone associated with government to buy or display their 'art' work (fart work is more like it) is immoral.
4. 'Vancouver Biennale chairwoman Michaela Frosch said the Oppenheim piece is “a very important work because of the magnitude of the artist’s reputation worldwide.”
- that makes no sense at all. The fact the artist has some big reputation among some tiny coterie of people says Nothing about a particular work of art.
- if man is just an animal (as the darwinists claim) there is no room for art in the world... art has no basis; as animals don't create art. The 'purpose' of art in the evolutionary model is functional; i.e. it can only exist if it helps reproductive success. This in effect destroys art. Only biblical christianity gives us a sold basis for art. Art is intimately connected with the creation; i.e. the creation of the universe by god. Art in effect agrees with god; that all things were created good. (In a limited sense it tries to express the goodness and perfection of the original creation.) It tries to show the sadness of a fallen world. (It also attempts to show the glory of a holy god.) The Darwinian knows nothing of true art; and this monstrosity is an example of this. This upside down church (and admittedly much modern theology IS upside down) isn't art at all; it's just writing in pictures for people too stupid to read. It's a little sermon in block letters; or the kind of 'sign language' you see in airports. It's a kind of 'concrete' bumper sticker... or a kind of editorial. This has nothing to do with real art; and the credit goes to Charles Darwin. (Who compiled a book of photographs showing the 'identity' of human and ape expressions; photos now known to have been rigged.)
5. “Some people have also contacted us to say that they feel the subject matter isn’t appropriate,” said Weaving.
- this sculpture for me is a perfect picture of Humanism; i.e. all things get turned wrong side up. How so? People are governed by an elite who hate them; true values are spit on, while depravity and debauchery are praised; the individual is devalued, while the state and special interest groups prosper; people are forced to finance their enemies; good is called bad, and evil is called good; God is spat upon, while god's enemies are celebrated; Christianity is vilified while atheism is celebrated; the church is attacked while a porno culture is vaunted; the family is hated, while anti-family forces are celebrated; and on and on and on.
- this bit of eye pollution is a grossly ugly artifact (and modern sculptors speak of their productions in gross terms; i.e. pieces of shit, etc.) so one has to be demented to want to exhibit it. How many of the deluded debutantes who did this actually went down and gazed fondly at this thingoid? How much time have any of them spent with it? (And why isn't it considered vandalism?) In effect we're being forced to pay for this 'artist' to dump on us. (And I'm sure you recall that some artists have actually exhibited their waste products as art.)
1. 'Device to Root Out Evil was purchased from Oppenheim by Vancouver’s Benefic Foundation for $300,000 in 2006. The foundation subsequently offered it to the city on long-term loan.' (I'd like to know why some tax lawyers would want to buy and exhibit such a work of art. You tell me. Did they write the whole thing off as a tax deduction :=)
2. I have to apologize for this post. It's poorly written. Why? Because this thing offended me deeply, and got to me. (To write in haste is to repent in leisure as they say.)
3. The public may not have paid for this thing directly, but they certainly paid for it indirectly.
4. The newspaper article was badly written itself, so I'm not going to feel too bad. Nowhere in it was there a mention that this 'sculpture' was viciously anti-Christian. But this is hardly surprising as the 'editorial stance' of the paper is highly antagonistic toward Christianity. (And fully reflects the anti-Christian views of the billionaire owners.)
5. Am I defending all the church is and does? By no means. A big problem is that there is no such thing as a generic church. (Just as there is no such thing as generic Christianity; to say nothing of some generic religion.)
What there are is many very different churches with very different witnesses in the world.
6. It's sad that people would put up with this kind of abuse. (This kind of apathy is the fruits of Pietism I guess.) If people weren't concerned about the blasphemy of it, or the insult to Christians, you think at least they'd be offended that it ruined the view.