Saturday, June 23, 2007

The faith claims of evolutionsists are not science

- the acrimony that surrounds the creation/evolution debate is an intellectual embarassment.
- people seem to have parked their wits and their ethics at the door of the debating hall.
- to forbid the criticism of evolution theory in schools is NOT science, but a religious demand.
- getting judges to define science is not science, but politics.
- to claim people are insane, wicked, ignorant or stupid if they don't believe in darwinism, is not science... but a faith claim.
- to claim one can have absolute knowledge about origins is not science... but a faith claim.
- to claim life can come from non-life (without direction from an intelligent agent) is not science... but a faith claim.
- the claim any explanation of origins other than a naturalistic one is not science, but a faith claim.
- to use the gov. to force one view of origins on people is not science... but politics.
- to claim naturalism can give man absolute truth is not science but a faith claim.
- to tell lies about the many 'proofs' of evolution theory is not science but faith propagation.
- to invent stories about evolution is not science but evangelism.
- to treat creationists with contempt and hatred is not science.
- to imagine all people are the same isn't science, but a faith claim.
- to insist all people hold the same view of origins (ie. e.) isn't science... but a demand of faith.
- to bar professors and teachers from employment is not science but tyranny and persecution.
- the bitterness involved in this debate clearly has nothing to do with science. In fact very little in this debate has anything to do with science. Atheists (and other non-theists, or non-creationists) have confused evolution theory and atheism, and have pretended their atheism is science. Atheism is not science, it's a faith claim.
- the low level on which evolutionists conduct themselves in this debate is an intellectual embarassment.
- I don't deny some creationists haven't acted badly as well. Teaching small children to sing anti-evolution songs would be (in my opinion) an example of this. I consider this akin to liberals having toddlers wear 'Bush is a war criminal' t-shirts. It's one thing to teach children songs of praise to god - and I think this not only proper, but wonderful - but it is another thing entirely to teach them songs that are purely negative in nature. You won't find that taught in the book of Genesis Ken; or anywhere else in the bible for that matter.