Friday, May 18, 2007

The incredible universe

Quotes and comments;

1.“Evolution [is] a theory universally accepted not because it can be proven by logically coherent evidence to be true, but because the only alternative, special creation, is clearly incredible.” (D.M.S. Watson, 1929)

- Because this is such a famous quote in the literature I want to take a closer look at it.
- what does incredible mean? I don't know what W. meant by it but the dictionary definition is this;
"Not credible; surpassing belief; too extraordinary and improbable to admit of belief; unlikely; marvelous; fabulous."
- when the evolutionist says belief in creation is incredible; he's really saying the creator isn't worthy of belief, confidence or trust. (ie. not credible)
- the bible implies there is no such thing as an honest evolutionist, but this man comes closer than most as he admits the real reason he affirms a belief in Evolution.
- a thing isn't false just because someone finds it incredible.
- because a man thinks x is unlikely doesn't mean it isn't true. (The examples would be legion.)
- what Watson is really saying is this ''if something is beyond my ability to comprehend it can't be true..." but isn't he really saying; ''if I wouldn't like something to be true I will claim it's not true... I will claim it's too fantastic to be true." But it's not the extraordinary he objects to but a personal creator. (Which is why the bible strongly implies there are no honest atheists; ie. no honest evolutionists. The bible affirms repeatedly that all men know god.)
- reality has nothing to do with our ability to comprehend it. (This is decidedly the case for the materialist. ie. since he's mere matter why does he 'think' he 'should' be able to 'comprehend' the universe? I can't see he has any answer to that question; certainly no logical, coherent or rational one.) This is simply fallacious reasoning. (It is true that if man has been created by god he has a basis for believing he can comprehend the universe.)
- in fact Watson naively assumes he should be able to comprehend the universe. (In my opinion this naive feeling has its source in the fact he was made in the image of god.) Not being theologically sophisticated he takes this 'natural' belief for granted. But it's surely the case that if he were mere matter he would have no such feeling. His naive belief witnesses to the fact he bears the image of god. But because he doesn't want the creator to be Lord in his life he can't give god his due, he can't credit god for his emotional, intellectual and spiritual make up.
- what's incredible is not the creation, but man's stubborn refusal to admit it.
- of course, if instead of teaching evolution in our schools kids were taught that men created the earth (in some terraforming project) they'd say; "wow, that's incredible." I don't think they'd find it hard to believe at all. (It's only the identity of the creator that makes men reluctant to accept the idea of creation.)