Sunday, April 8, 2007

Thinking about Creation

98.2 Percent of Evolutionist Arguments are Misleading.

You hear the claim in the popular press every other day that apes and human beings have a 98 percent similarity in DNA. This claim is probably bogus, but even if it were true it would only be misleading if not meaningless. (You can find some background material here.)

- This 'fact' they claim shows apes and men are really the same; and that evolution theory is true. This arguement (it's not really an arguement) is utterly misleading, (Adler once wrote a book; 'The difference of man and the difference it makes') as it trivializes the importance of differences.
- I'll give you an example of how misleading it is; I can say that most things on earth are composed mainly of water; does that mean there's no real difference between a man and a pond?
- this is all just a numbers game, and only appears to have relevance. Two chemical compounds can be 99.9 percent identical, but one be harmless to ingest, and the other fatal. Two numbers can be almost identical but one wins the lottery and the other wins nothing.
- one can make a computer and a washing machine from identical parts; does that mean they're the same?
- one has to ask the evolutionists some questions; ''if this is as meaningful as you claim why do men do a million and one things apes don't do?'' ie. read books, have governments, write endless laws, have courts, study logic, read poetry, name the stars, build microscopes and telescopes, study history, do archaeology, etc. etc.
- why some people think this is wonderful news is hard to say. ("The heart is deceitful and wicked above all things.") You'd think this would be a source of horror not glee. If man is just an ape his life would be as meaningless as that of an ape. If people really believe what they say about this why don't they abandon civilization and take up munching on grass? It's ever the case with evolutionists that they say one thing but do another. We can see by the way they live that they don't really believe what they say. I'll give just one example out of thousands that could be given. Every year in the u.s.a. alone thousands of new laws are passed. No ape has ever passed a single law in all recorded time. If this 98.2 percent figure is meaningful shouldn't apes pass 98.2 percent as many laws as human beings?
- if these numbers are meaningful why aren't apes 98.2 percent as evil as man? (in fact why are they so utterly unlike men?)
- if this tells us anything at all it tells us how important seemingly small differences can be; but to even say this would be misleading. We can make guns or plows from steel; the fact they're made of almost the same material is meaningless.
- but why talk about chemistry and biology, why not talk about physics? The evolutionist could say "it's a well known fact that apes and men share exactly the same particles... 100 percent the same... but creationists won't admit it.''
- ''it's a well known scientific fact that apes and men are made of the same minerals and chemicals but creationists won't admit it.'' etc.