A critique of British Columbia's new 'social justice' course for high school students
- I make it a habit not to read the daily paper. I looked at the front page today (of the Vancouver Sun) and was more disgusted than usual. The B.C. government (ie. the political and socialist elite that masquerades as conservatives) have decided to bring in a 'social justice' course for high school students. (Sounds decidedly Marxist to me.) The course was designed by homosexual advocates. Not by parents of course. (That would be too radical.) I see this as an evil development. (And shows you why the NDP crowd is very happy with premier Campbell. They probably wouldn't have dared to this themselves... though they'd have loved to.) It's basically a course in anti-Christianity; an anti-civilization course that is an utter repudiation of all Western civilization has stood for.) In every case it teaches (in the guise of 'discussion') the opposite of what Christian civilization has taught.
- this isn't a course in social justice but in social injustice. The injustice of a small radical elite taking control of the gov. education system and using it to force their neo-pagan religion on unsuspecting students. It's the injustice of driving christianity out of the schools under the name of being against religion in the schools... and then replacing it with a new religion. (This is called hypocrisy in anybody's books.)
- the writer of the celebratory article calls it a course in the new 'isms.' But it's the 'isms' favored by the extremist left. (The long list of lunacy includes; heterosexism, speciesism, racism (of course) genderism, ableism, sexism, ageism, humanism, imperialism, environmentalism, and so on.... all the great causes of the tenured class. (Mcdonaldism, Walmartism, Bushism, and so on.) There's no critique of the evils of communism, statism, marixism, unionism, special interestism, evolutionsim, materialism... etc. What kids will get will be hymns of praise to every left wing bit of lunacy now favored by the faddists on campus and a condemnation of everything the pampered left don't like. There will be praise of libertarianism, creationism, of markets, of biblical christianity, of freedom... or anything the left is waging war on.
- why am I posting this critique on a blog about biblical creation? The answer is simple; this course in social injustice is radically anti-creationist. The reality of who man is counts for nothing to the 'advocates' (ie. revolutionaries) behind this absurdist course. (I'm reminded again of the title of a book by Thomas Sowell; 'Is reality optional?" Well these people think so. They've been educated by the old Left that sees man as a blank slate... clay that can be molded into any form desired by the political elite. (ie. the new soviet man that was the object of Stalin's machinations.) They seemingly are still stuck in this mode of thinking despite the efforts of people like Stephen Pinker to persuade them of the fallaciousness of such a view. This course is all about denying reality; denying the reality of God and of creation.
- This whole story is a case study in the importance of the doctrine of biblical creation. One reason even christian parents go along with these courses is that they don't understand the importance of the Book of Genesis, and the doctrine of creation; how it affects all areas of life. The idea of a 'tabula rasa' is the strained construct of philosophical thinking. It has no connection with the real world. Babies are born with a distinct nature; that possess the image of God... and thus are not empty vessels that can be twisted into any desired shape by a political elite. When I say this I understand all too well that deformations of man can happen... but it always involves radical damage to both man and society. Only christianity gives us a model for social conduct that is in full agreement with man's nature; that gives us a moral code that conforms to reality. What we see in politically correct (read marxist) codes is a radical contempt for the reality of who man is. Man is not an empty blob (a blank slate) neither is he an just another animal. He is a creature made in the image of god; and more than this he is an eternal spirit.
- And so, if this course goes ahead, kids will be taught about the Jainist doctrine of 'speciesism' - the idea it's evil to think animals are less important (less deserving of rights) than human beings. The fact we're surrounded by thousands of stores selling dead meat makes this rank hypocrisy. Every left wing doctrine is on display in this new pagan religion course; the new pagan religion of the State. (Showing us the education mafia isn't against religion in the schools but only against christianity. Thus showing themselves incredibly hypocrites.) This is a major attack on christianity.... and almost no one was shown speaking out against it. Is this because no one did; or no one was given a voice by the cheerleaders who wrote the article? I suspect both.
- here we see the sad results of christian pietism; the retreat from the world, and secluding one's self within the walls of the church. But what can you expect of people who's great prayer is that the world will end in the next day or two? (Of people who make crap like 'Left Behind' a great best seller.) Christian's in canada have already surrendered the world to their enemies. It's clear what is going to be the agenda; the total extinction of christians and christianity. We are now being governed by the worst people our society has to offer. I find it hard to believe we've fallen so far we let a school curriculum be written by homosexual activists. It's hard for me to accept the idea parents (and C. parents) will put up with this evil. That this couldn't have been imagined a generation ago shows how rapidly things are moving.
- To force teenagers to go endure such an indoctrination process against their will is the opposite of justice. This is the totalitarian spirit of the Left at work. These people hate freedom; and will refuse to allow anyone to be free. They are forcing their demented smorgasbord of pagan religions onto the citizenry. As is usual in Canada, I doubt if anyone will even rouse themselves to raise a whisper in protest. And, as usual, this whole deplorable travesty will be applauded by the mainstream clergy. (A group that has never heard of a Humanist idea it didn't think was great.)
- We see a plethora of newly invented words by the Left; ie. heterosexism (the evil idea the heterosexuality is the norm of society) This is of course lunacy; a total denial of reality. (If it weren't the norm none of us would be here.) And so I ask you; ''if the educational elite are willing to deny reality in this area why should you believe what they say about the subject of origins? ie. evolution. I see no reason to believe they're no just as willing to deny reality in that area. (And so on with all the rest.) If they're willing to make (under 'speciesism') the claim there is no difference between animals and people (no one truly believes this lie of course) then why wouldn't they make imaginary claims about evolution? Again there's no reason to believe they haven't. What we see in our schools (and no; they don't belong to the teacher's union) is the establishment of a new pagan religion. The political elite aren't interested in truth... but in forcing people to conform to their new religion. None of this has anything to do with truth; just as evolution has nothing to do with the truth.
- the editors (with their typical subtlety) go on to show us why we need such a course. (Apparently they didn't need it.) On the front page they have a photo that reminds us of the anti-Asian riots of a hundred years ago. (No one can ever be allowed to forget anything.. unless the Left did it... then it's buried forever.) They pick on an easy target of course. The Left tell us a hundred times a day how evil we are; never in all history has any group of people had to endure such a vicious and never ending attack upon their culture, themselves, etc. What we seen a virulent sadism that has no parallel in all history. (These people have been taught by their professors to hate themselves and apparently its the one thing from their college days they can't get over. It apparently never occurred to them to ask to all the endless criticisms of the west; 'you say it was all evil... but evil compared to what? what happened in the USSR? in Maoist china? in old India? compared to what?'' It seems such an obvious question; so why didn't they ask it? I imagine they enjoyed trashing their parents and grandparent; enjoyed playing at revolution. (Welfare style Socialism is a kind of revolution for wimps. You get to have a big salary and a nice home while dismantling civilization; and you don't have to carry a gun.... and you'll be safely dead before things get too serious... and the mass killings start, and the Gulag reopens.)
- this is the inevitable result of two things; parents not taking responsibility... and socialism. Despite what christian liberals say the size of the state does matter. I remember some clueless seminary professor chiding conservatives; ''contrary to what some right wing economists say it's not the size of the state that matters that is dangerous.... but whether or not the state is just.'' It was like listening to a child... and he couldn't have been more wrong. Take this course in paganism; it wouldn't exist if it were not for the socialist state. Socialism makes courses like these not oddities in upper class communities but the norm for everyone in the country... and only a huge state can do that. I could add numerous examples in all areas. The bigger the state gets the more corrupt it gets; there's no way around it. A huge state can be controlled by a very small number of people... through top down management. The bigger the state the worse the people at the top get.
- let's see now; you can't teach creation, or ID or even critique evolution... but you have to teach heterosexism and speciesism! How can anyone take this lunacy seriously? How can anyone take these political extremists seriously? This is literally insane. (And all dumped on us by people who like to paint themselves as relativists! They're against racism but are engaged in a war against christians. (Who are continually being stripped of their rights.) The hypocrisy of these people is a sight to behold. (And all paid for with the tax dollars of the people they're waging war against!) If that's not social injustice the phrase is meaningless.
- if Marxist indoctrination like this can be called education, then we can see why dumping a crucifix in some urine can be called art. It's important that people realize that this is all part of the spirit of the age. Does anyone imagine that people who call bags of excrement tacked onto gallery walls art are not willing to lie about origins? Evolution is the modern art of the science world. Truth doesn't come come into it. Llet's not forget that the same people who tell us evolution is true... tell us the drippings of Jackson Pollack are art, that a blank canvas is art... and so on. (If there ever was a blank canvas scientifically speaking it's evolution. The theory has nothing going for it. It's devoid of meaningful evidence for its veracity.) I wonder how anyone can take people who play these games seriously.
1. some of these words are so newly minted that they're not in dictionaries or on spell checkers.... and yet the concepts are going to be forced into a high school curriculum!
2. the homosexual advocates are playing the equivocation game when they object to heterosexuality being the norm. In a descriptive (and therefore scientific sense) it obviously is the norm. No one could honestly deny that. They're using the word in another sense. (Thus defining their own terms.)
3. What semiary professor? Mr. Heaven in a nightclub.
4. The Sun calls these riots 'Our lasting shame' - never mind the fact no one alive was there... no; this is 'our' lasting shame. (ie. something we can never escape being punished for, no matter what we do.) This is more marxist idiocy; as if people could or should have shame for things they had no part in. How stupid do you have to be to believe that? This is part of the leftist program of instilling class guilt (or societal guilt, or whatever idiot monicker is being used up on the hill these days.) People must (MUST) be made of feel eternally guilty.... as this is used to demoralize all opposition to collectivist programs. Guilty people are apathetic, hard to motivate, easy to manipulate, rarely ever complain about what the gov. is doing, etc. So the people must be made (in a hundred different ways, and on an daily basis) to feel guilty. Guilty for what? For anything; for everything; for eating, drinking and breathing if it comes to that.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
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